12. mars 2012

Silent patch

I've been having a bad week, so I don't really have much progress to write about. I think I might be PMSing really bad, cause one moment I'm really irritated and everyone annoys me, while the other I'm curled up on my couch and crying my eyes out for no reason at all. And I've been like that an entire week. And this weekend, all I did was shut myself in and drown myself in self pity, chocolate, and god damned ponies. I curse the one who invented that addictive crap, ugh! I'm so pony-poisoned, that the voices in my head are starting to sound like Applejack!

I need a cure. Fast.

I am trying to remind myself that it's okay to have bad days, cause I have a bad habit of forgetting, but it's difficult to hammer it into my head when I'm feeling down. This flu really got to me, in every bad way possible, and it's nearly been driving me over the edge. Next weekend I'mma go out and have some fun, cause I think I need it now. And I definitely need to do something about my apartment!

Uch, when I'm in a bad mood, chaotic mess goes from being slightly bad to being a disaster around me. This place looks like a bomb went off! Or two! Or quite possibly three! My god, I need to fix that. Last week I actually managed to clear out my wardrobe and purge it. Got a large load of clothes I can store away until I get a bigger place, so now my wardrobe is neatly organized and a bit more empty. So, now I can finally cross that off my list of things to do, which made me feel pretty good.

I think maybe I'll take this week to try and tidy up the chaotic mess I've created when I've been so down, cause as it is right now I wouldn't even let my own mum visit me. It looks bad.

I'm not sure why I've been so down. My best guess is PMS, cause I've been eating a lot as well. It's as if I'm always hungry, and that's typical of my PMSing. There really isn't anything else it could be, anyway, though I have to admit that I haven't really tried sitting down to search inside myself to see if there's anything bothering me. Which is... Probably a bad thing. I did, after all, promise myself that I'd start caring about myself, and that this year was all about ME. So, yeah, maybe I should take a moment to figure out if this really is PMS, or if it's something else.

Though, to be perfectly honest, the more I think about it the more it feels like there's something bothering me. I just can't seem to figure out what. I suppose I've just met another "silent patch". You know, those rest stops on your road where you seem to be standing still and making no progress at all. Cause I honestly don't feel like I'm moving forward at all right now.

You know what? I need to take a silent week. Just tidy up the apartment, and do some intense soul searching, to see if I can't find my way back onto my path again. And then, when the weekend comes, I'll go out and dance and have some fun, and just get all the bad stuff out of my system.

That, my dear, sounds like a plan!

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